Jack Hill
Jack Hill 1988
Chairmaker, Woodwright and Wordsmith

Watch this space !

First, I should introduce myself. I was for many years, 1980 -- 1999, a regular contributor to the magazines The Woodworker, Practical Woodworking, Traditional Woodworking, and various other titles which came and went or had a change of name. I wrote and illustrated single articles, some as part of a series, including one, Diary from a Country Workshop, in Practical Woodworking, which ran for almost ten years. During this time I also wrote several books - on country crafts and craftsmen, traditional woodcrafts, tools, furniture making, traditional country chairmaking, etc. I was a regular demonstrator at the annual Wood Shows in London and elsewhere and for some time was a competition's judge.

From my rural workshop in West Sussex to which I moved, from Manchester, in 1988 where I had been senior lecturer in City and Guilds Furniture Studies, I continued to make traditional style furniture and to teach at West Dean College, near Chichester. In addition, I ran my own courses in country chair making and wood carving, both nationally and internationally; America, Newfoundland, Canada, Ireland and frequently in Finland.

Windsor Rocking Chair
Single Bow Windsor
Spindle Back Chair
Comb back Windsor Chair
Windsor Rocking Chair
Single Bow Windsor
Spindle Back Chair
Comb back Windsor Chair
Double bow Windsor Chairs
Smokers Bow Windsor Chair
Gimson Ladderback Chair
Double bow Windsor Chairs
Smokers Bow Windsor Chair
Gimson Ladderback Chair
© Jack Hill 2008 To contact me click here